Friday, December 10, 2010

Rome Street Style

Yeah, I know what you're thinking, "Don't quit your day job". Well not to worry, I have absolutely no intentions of even thinking about becoming a photographer. I did my best but it's a shame that these photos don't come close to capturing the brilliant style I saw every day while I was in Rome.
Italians may not be as wild and creative with their personal style as Londoners are, but I was struck by how fashionably flawless they were. They know a great fit, what colours work well together - and they rock an outfit with an easy, nonchalant confidence like no other. (perfect hair and makeup helps a little too!).
P.S Not all these people in the photos are Italians but still stylish nonetheless. :)


Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous selections!
The men are especially dapper!


FB @ said...

I love the shots!!!

Winnie said...

Your shots are still great! I love he first few with the brightly coloured details. especially the man with the orange (cord?) blazer, mustard trews and red scarf. Awesome colour combination!

Sharon S said...

Hi there-they are great street style pictures, very inspirational my dear! have a nice week! x

Marian said...

it is a good start honey, thanks for sharing.
Hope you had a good time out there.

Anonymous said...

Pretty good for amateur street style photos, you should keep at it!