Saturday, August 9, 2008

Get it for way less - Christian Dior Extreme Cutout Sandal

The Sex and the City movie may be old news to some of you by now but since I was only able to watch it a couple weeks ago, it's still pretty fresh in my mind.

Like most people, I was enamoured with the wardrobes of all the characters, Carrie's in particular. One of Carrie's many statement accessories was her killer Christian Dior cutout heels which she sported with many outfits. They're so bold and well, you know, beautiful that I just couldn't keep my eyes off them!

photo courtesy

However, these hotties are strictly eye candy to me since they retail at nearly US$800. Sure, they're awesome but I really don't have that kind of money to shell out on a pair of shoes...or anything else for that matter.

Luckily for those of you with financial limitations like me, I found a very similar pair on GoJane for just under US$30!

I've seen a lot of knockoff versions of the Christian Dior sandals online but these are by far the least expensive versions I've found. They may not possess the superior quality of the originals but at this bargain price, they're a pretty decent buy.

Leatherette Stud Cut-out Heel
Price: US$26.99


christina said...

Great find on the GoJane cutout sandals! They look great, and at the fraction of the price too.

Wendiva said...

they looked amazing in the movie, because of ur post, now every girl can have a pair without spending the big bucks. thanks!!

Sharon said...

Wow-what an excellent find Danz!! Will you get them too, I think they are gorgeous! have a lovely Sunday!!

thetinylittlegirl said...

i doubt i could walk in those sandals, but they sure are pretty to look at ;-)

Wuthering said...

Danz good find! i'm impressed :)

Elizabeth said...

You've done it again!

Anonymous said...

gata love knock offs

jess said...

I haven't seen the movie yet. But those are great shoes

Unknown said...

I LOVE these shoes, but I just can't walk in heels that high. I wish I could! I also wish they'd make a lower-heeled version, but then the whole "look" might be lost.

Seeker said...

Yeah, you always manage to find great pieces at low prices, how great.


A La Femme said...

I'm still in love with these shoes. They are so beautiful. Love em'

Mary said...

Holy crap...
Must... buy... now.
I need to keep my credit card farther away from my computer.

Kira Aderne said...

Those Dior are really a classic and so expensive too!

a kiss!!!

Angela said...

i love the dior cut out sandals in the metaillic silver.

Alice said...

These shoes are gorgeous, but the heel is very high, and makes shoes hard to walk;)

Anonymous said...

When the movie opened up with Carrie in those shoes -- I fell in love. <3 I've been seeing a lot of knockoffs. But, those go jane ones are totally the cheapest. <3

Lil Midget said...

Love the heels!

Anonymous said...

I saw these shoes the other day. So hot!

Madame Dior said...

awesome find! $30 is so cheap compared to the originally price =]

Marian said...

hot post and blog.totally loved those Dior sandals and the sex and the city movie.Do check out my blog,the most recent post references Carrie bradshaws style too.
muah x

Songy said...

omg that's a steal. they wouldn't be leather tho for that price eh?

either way.. that is a fab buy.
You're brilliant!

Page said...

WoW! Great knock-off find! Plus, now that are totally affordable for such a trendy piece! Who could actually spend 800 bones on them? Eeek! Not me!

LuLu124 said...

amazing!!!! thanks so much for sharing this, i just really can't spend that much money on the real diors but the go janes look decently similar and have a greaat price!! :D xoxo, lulu

Couture Carrie said...

Hey Miss D!

Very hot shoes, and I think they have staying power because there are tons of sandals like these being shown with tights for fall.

P.S. Did a polyvore today and thought of you since you were the one who introduced me to the fashionista phenomnenon! Thanks again, darling!


Doriz Jeltzin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

oh wow that is a fantastic find!!

pinup_girl said...

Yes, I'd love to exchange links :)


couldn't agree more! love pairing of a chunky heel with a cute little dress. great mix of masculine and femine style.


Economy of Style said...

Darn! That is an unbelievable lookalike!

Pamela Tan said...

wow!! i wud actually BUY that shoes if it were within my reach! :):)

Vertiginoso said...

Or a Sulfurous "SM CHIC-issime" touch in urban territory !!! With a delightful richness of "FETISH-issimes cleavages", as so much of "décolletés à part entière" . . .

A Bientôt, Antoine

Sam said...

I love those heels! they are gorgeous.

AlicePleasance said...

Those sandals are definitely a must!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

You are brilliant, my dear, positively brilliant! Fantastic find and the similarities are astounding.

Good for you! You give hope to the fianacially challenged.

Anonymous said...

Great pricE-friendly substitutes! CHECK OUT MY NEW BLOG PAGE! (And if you get a chance can you update my link? Thanks!)

Reena Rai said...

No way, that's not fair! you americans always have the hottest designer copies :( I absolutely love those Diors

Rebecca Jane said...

I agree - the dior sandals are amazing. I can't believe how close those gojane ones are, great find!

Mónica said...

I hate copies, I really do, but this one looks reasonable since next summer we won't wear these sandals, it's not worth spending a fortune on them!

yiqin; said...

That shoe caught my eye too but Gojane's quality is DAMN bad! Alot of Singaporeans buy them at first & now we are all selling it. It does not look like that picture they provide at all either :/

Anonymous said...

my heart is thumping wildly

encantadora said...

I have a pair of side-zip sandals that look similar. I can't believe you found an alternative so inexpensive! Kudos.

felinefashionista said...

ive been looking for this shoe! great find! i just went to the website after seeing this blog, and they have more variations of this dior heel. i would totally buy the actual dior heel, but im financially challenged :-), so this find is perfect for my budget!